When it comes to being a mom, love conquers all. Every day moms wake up ready to take on challenges and are willing to do what it takes to fight uphill battles for their family with courage, strength and determination. Regardless of their background or status, moms pursue the same very special mission: to love their children unconditionally. Teleflora, the world’s leading floral delivery service, today unveiled its new Mother’s Day bouquet lineup and is honoring all sacrifices and fearless acts of love this Mother’s Day with the launch of the “Love Makes a Mom” campaign.
Teleflora’s new Mother’s Day new floral bouquet lineup includes: (All Mother’s Day 2018 bouquets are now available for sale at Teleflora.com in standard, deluxe or premium size options.)
Teleflora’s Winged Beauty Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $59.95)
Bring all the elegance of a peaceful Victorian garden into the home with this spectacular arrangement. A luxurious mix of pink roses, chrysanthemums and soft purple accents are nestled within a gorgeous ceramic vase featuring soft brushstroke lines and an embossed hummingbird medallion mom will love.
Teleflora’s Country Beauty Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $49.95)
Surprise mom with the rustic charm of a beautiful floral bouquet brimming with crème carnations, fresh pink blooms and seasonal stems. This 2-in-1 gift arrives in a functional hand-glazed stoneware crock that is perfect as a decorative piece and is also FDA-approved to safely serve and store food.
Teleflora’s Wildflower in Flight Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $39.95)
Remind mom how special and beautiful she is with this whimsical French garden inspired floral arrangement. Wrapped in poetic script and a striking dragonfly in midflight, this exclusive glass cube brings together old-word charm and contemporary European style.
Teleflora’s Heart’s Pirouette Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $94.95)
Celebrate the greatest mom in the world with this elegant treasure overflowing with soft pink roses, fragrant white lilies and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums nestled in an exquisite azure glass vase.
Love Out Loud this Mother’s Day by sending a beautiful bouquet by Teleflora – all made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist. To place your order, please visit www.teleflora.com.
To be entered into the giveaway all you need to do is let me know why you would like to win. Comments on any of my social media and share this post. I will send you a message with the code if you are the winner.
Shakeia Rieux
April 16, 2018I would love this for my mom, she deserves it and I want to be able to get her something for Mother’s Day! I love the bouquets they have for different occasions.
April 18, 2018I’d love to win this so I can surprise my daughter with a bouquet!
April 20, 2018My mom loves flowers and I love showing her how much she means to me! This would be absolutely wonderful to win so that I can send her a beautiful bouquet
April 20, 2018I’d love to give a bouquet of roses to my mother! She’s been such a rock in my life <3
April 23, 2018I’d like to win because my mom loves flowers more than anyone else I know and I’d love to send her some.
April 27, 2018I would love to use this to get my wife some amazing flowers!