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Charity Bake Sale Activity Kit

**Disclaimer, I received a sample to facilitate this review. All opinions are 100% my own**

The new Charity Bake Sale Activity Kit from Bizainy™ just received the Gold Seal Award from Oppenheim Toy Portfolio, a company founded in 1989 by child development experts Joanne Oppenheim and Stephanie Oppenheim as the only independent consumer review of children’s media

In making the announcement Oppenheim Toy Portfolio states: “If you have a child that wants to run a bake sale as a charity event, you may want to take a look at this kit that really lays out the process…the real value of this kit comes in the Fundraiser Planner workbook that takes your child (and you) through the process of planning an event. How much you’ll need depending on the scale/location of your bake sale, how to promote it, and how best to run it.”
There is no time like the present to inspire children to make a difference by holding a time-honored charity bake sale, which is easier than ever thanks to the new Charity Bake Sale Activity Kit ,(SRP $29.99) from Bizainy, toymaker of hands-on family-fun that helps kids gain business and charity skills to thrive. 
Carolyn Stone Enenstein, mother of two and Bizainy founder and CEO shares, “Bizainy is immensely proud that our Charity Bake Sale Activity Kit received the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal of Approval.  Children also test the winners for age-appropriateness and fun, and we are doubly thrilled that today’s children see the fun and value in holding a charity bake sale to make a difference for others.  By empowering kids to make a difference for those in need, Bizainy hopes to help families experience first-hand that giving feels great for everyone involved!”
Charity Bake Sale is designed to engage children, parents, grandparents and the community in timeless unplugged fun that inspires everyone to make a difference.  Bizainy hopes to galvanize “Kids for the Cause” by presenting the Charity Bake Sale Activity Kit in a playful tone with lots of heart and feel-good fun.  The kid-friendly Fundraising Planner book inside the Charity Bake Sale Activity Kit introduces how to pick your cause, types of charities that exist, how your fundraiser might help, when to hold a sale and step-by-step how to create a sale that inspires others to give. 
Bizainy Charity Bake Sale Activity Kit includes the essentials for hands-on fun to make a big difference, including: a banner, sign to spin, decorate-your-own money box, cause sign, donations ledger, donor stickers and a 24 page book covering how to select your cause, recipes, a marketing plan, solicitation strategies and more.  There is flexibility for whimsical play and practical experiences to begin a family dialogue about philanthropy and business skills. 
Bizainy’s other award-winning activity kits include Babysitting Start-Up and Lemonade Stand Start-Up, both Parents Choice Recommended, are perfect for gift-giving and family bonding. Bizainy Activity Kits encourage making a difference, creativity and fun with critical thinking, quality family time and opportunities for community interaction – all while building a foundation for entrepreneurship.


The review listed above is my own opinion. I was not paid to post the review. However, we may receive free products in exchange for reviews from time to time. Otherwise, we review products that we personally bought/use with our family’s. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I have used personally, and think will be good fit for my readers

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