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Grow Your Own Christmas Pet

**Disclaimer, I received a sample to facilitate this review. All opinions are 100% my own**

Want a great stocking stuffer or even something special to hang on the tree for the kids? Here is a very unique gift for the kids to Grow & Hatch.

Ever year we always like to find something a little different and special for the kids. I never thought of looking for something so cool as this is. Are kids love to grow their own dolls or aliens now they can grow and hatch their own pet. 

It’s very easy to do you just simply place them in water and within 24 hours, they will start to crack. Within 36-48 hours, the egg will pop out a special growing pet. The pet will continue to grow, out of its shell. Each egg has either a baby polar bear, penguin, or a snowman.

We like the idea of this and our excited to see their face when they pet has hatch all the way. These will be a perfect stocking stuffer of even something for the kids to give to their friends.


The review listed above is my own opinion. I was not paid to post the review. However, we may receive free products in exchange for reviews from time to time. Otherwise, we review products that we personally bought/use with our family’s. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I have used personally, and think will be good fit for my readers

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