Dirty floors are a drag for your designer bag but even if they are not a big name brand bag you still do not what them to be on the floor. Let me introduce you to Wrapurse Purse Protector keep your carrier runway-ready.
Wrapurse is designed to fit securely over the bottom of any bag. It will keep all the dirt and grime from ruining your favorite designer purse or handbag. It is extremely easy to clean and comes in 3 different shades and various sizes from s to xl. I am always at the Doctors office and I do put my purse on the floor and then I remember how dirty they are. Now I do not have to worry about where I set my bag down because all I have to do is take the bottom off washer and dry it and I am good to go.
For more information please visit www.wrapurse.com
**Disclaimer, I received a sample to facilitate this review. All opinions are 100% my own**